Thursday, October 15, 2009


Now that I have discovered the ever elusive power of blogging, I feel it is my duty to post a blog, since that is the primary function. Today I really haven't done much. I have a five page paper due in a few hours, but I have hit a rut in the fourth paragraph, after get out of that, I know it will be fantastic, even if it is on the different ideals of Justice held by Marting Luther King Jr. and Henry David Thoreau. Even if the paper isn't pulitzer worthy, my professor is a flaming awesome hippie with a nose ring and a great sense of humor who will undoubtedly have mercy on my feeble, ever growing mad essay skills. When I'm finished with the paper and class I will finally have time to veg out on my friend's floor while we watch a mind-numbing movie. Ah the delights of college. There is nothing more comforting to think about than the prospect of four years of stressing and debt just to get married during or right after college and be a mom anyway.