There are two things in this world that I absolutely cannot resist: Rice Krispie treats and kit-kats. My roommate discovered these weaknesses and thinks it is extremely funny. She bought me a kitkat once when I was having a chocolate craving because of a certain monthly gift from mother nature and then I had to go buy another one because the frenzy had started. There was a similar much more violent reaction to rice krispie treats when she first saw me eating them. Getting to the point, I've been trying really hard to get back into my exercise and dieting routine, but my roommate also thinks it's funny to mess that up. I know she loves me and just enjoys to torture me as much as I do her, but still what she did was just wrong. She bought me a giant box of Rice Krispie treats for my birthday! They are so gooey and delicious and almost half the box has already comfortably relocated to my tummy and now I have decided to forego my greatest undertaking yet. I am going on a sugar cleanse and I'm starting with the remainder of the rice krispies. If I can resist their gooey marshmallow delightfulness, I can tackle anything!