Monday, December 7, 2009
My morning adventure
This morning I had one of the most spectacular yet now seemingly meaningless adventure. As I have before mentioned, my spanish final was set for today at 7:30am and we were told that if we arrived even a minute late, we would not receive a test. Then of course, I could not sleep at all last night. I woke up at least seven times. So I woke up at 6:30 and hit the snooze button. I woke up again at 6:40 and turned my alarm clock off. I woke up again at 7:00 from the alarm on my phone and hit the snooze on that (I'm not a morning person and I do not like waking up) and thought I would get up at 7:10 but then I had the most random dream. I dreampt that the CIA recruited me to help bring down the drug cartel in Show Low and then in New York. My mom was very supportive, but my brothers were not. They said it was stupid and dangerous. Anyway, I woke up again and looked at the time on my phone, it read 7:22. Immediately forgetting my exhaustion, I jumped out of bed, put on my sneakers without regard to socks, and pulled on the first sweatshirt I saw (which happened to be a bright pink hoodie with Animal from the Muppets on it in case you were wondering) and ran out the door grabbing my keys, my phone and a pencil. I rushed down the stairs and out the door. I was booking it! Luckily my shoes have those little bumps on the bottom to give them traction so I was able to run all the way to Babbit. About halfway there I realized my phone was gone. I looked back but I knew I didn't have time, so I decided my grade in Spanish was more important than my phone and I ran the rest of the way to Babbit. I took the final, which I think I did well on, and people began arriving late and she gave them a test anyway! I was so mad. Anyhow, I started to retrace my footsteps but to no avail. I was certain that my little phone had joined the eskimos. I went back to my dorm room and got dressed because I was freezing wearing nothing but pajama pants and a hoodie. My roommate and retraced my path again, this time using her phone to call mine, but we could not find it. I called my mom and told her so she could have Verizon shut it off. The funny thing is that I prayed before calling her and heard a voice in my head say "check the lost and found" but I figured geez that never works and instead ate breakfast with my roommate. Again I was prompted to check the lost and found. Finally I caved and figured what the heck it couldn't hurt. It was there the whole time! Apparently someone saw it fall from my pocket as I was running and turned it in. Yay! Thank goodness for human decency!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Finals week- (annoying sobs in the background)

Next week is finals week- gag. My first final is at 7:30 AM Monday morning. Whoever decided to schedule it so early should be publicly shunned and then the monkies from Madagascar should fling poo at them. As for my other finals- I have to do a giant portfolio for my Honor's 190 class, a portfolio and final exam for Photograpy, an exam covering everything we've done in class and some we haven't for Art History and of course Spanish. Why did I want to come to college again?
Monday, November 30, 2009
Rice Krispie intensity challenge

There are two things in this world that I absolutely cannot resist: Rice Krispie treats and kit-kats. My roommate discovered these weaknesses and thinks it is extremely funny. She bought me a kitkat once when I was having a chocolate craving because of a certain monthly gift from mother nature and then I had to go buy another one because the frenzy had started. There was a similar much more violent reaction to rice krispie treats when she first saw me eating them. Getting to the point, I've been trying really hard to get back into my exercise and dieting routine, but my roommate also thinks it's funny to mess that up. I know she loves me and just enjoys to torture me as much as I do her, but still what she did was just wrong. She bought me a giant box of Rice Krispie treats for my birthday! They are so gooey and delicious and almost half the box has already comfortably relocated to my tummy and now I have decided to forego my greatest undertaking yet. I am going on a sugar cleanse and I'm starting with the remainder of the rice krispies. If I can resist their gooey marshmallow delightfulness, I can tackle anything!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Nineteen years old and I still feel six!

On November 27th I turned nineteen. All of my younger cousins think its hilarious and kept saying I was getting old. I don't feel old, in fact I still feel like I'm six years old and should be playing in the mud instead of going to college like a responsible adult. It is however, somewhat daunting to think that by this time next year I will be in my twenties. What is even stranger is to think that my sister, Becca, was already married with a kid when she was my age. Part of me wants that life, but another part of me wants to enjoy my last year as a teenager. I think if I wanted to get married I would be mature enough to handle being a wife and mother, but I don't think I do want that. Not for a while anyway. Being at college has completely changed my entire perspective on life. Before, I was content with the idea that when my missionary boy came home I would marry him and start a life while trying to juggle college somewhere in there, but now everything I thought I knew doesn't make as much sense. I don't think I want to marry Chris. Not any time soon, that is. If I could stick him in the freezer like you would a turkey and save it for when you want it that would be great, but unfortunately boys and the world do not work that way.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Missing my family
Today is my sister Becca's birthday. I tried to call her but she does not know how to operate a cell phone. Apparently neither does her husband, or my mom. Talking to someone you love may seem like a small thing, but just hearing their voice makes me feel loads better. It makes me homesick and miss my mom, my two amazing older sisters and my wonderful older brothers. I haven't heard from my brother, James, since we got the news about my dad. His phone got shut off and he never calls and will not answer emails. I hate not knowing if he's okay. I miss talking to him. I miss my family in general. You never come to truly appreciate something until you don't have it anymore. Luckily I still have my family- they're just a few hours away.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
My typical day
For anyone wondering what I am doing in college every day aside from eating junk food and sleeping, I'll tell you: I woke up this morning with five minutes to get ready and get to my Spanish class. I do this every day. I usually put on the first thing I see that smells okay and throw my hair into a pony tail or I'll leave it down depending on how aweful it looks. Then I ran off to be bored to tears in my class until about 9:00am and then ate breakfast with a friend. From there I return to my dorm room where I will either take a half hour nap or do some last minute homework and then do my hair and makeup. On Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays I go to my Art History class at 11:30 and then go back to do more homework or watch shows on hulu. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I go to my institute class at 11 and usually stay there reading or taking advantage of mormon generosity and free food. Then I have my Honor's 190 class at 4, then Photography at 7 on Tuesday evenings. My down time is spent rotting my brain on the internet doing things like blogging and facebook and if I get really bored I call my family :)
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Halloween and other fun
What is it about Halloween that is so supremely magical? I love it more than Christmas. That is likely because Christmas is usually filled with lots of drama and my mom crying. Halloween is free from pain and drama. And, of course there is the plus of dressing up and acting like an idiot and no one thinks less of you for it. Free candy is also nice.
For my part, I went to an institute dance on Halloween night. I hated Stake dances in High School because no one asked you to dance and no one danced. Institute is way cooler. I met a ton of new people and had a great time. That was on Friday night. On Saturday, the actual Halloween, I tried to get a hold of my non-member friend to go to another party at Bishop's house, but she just got mad at me. "Ok, dearest, I know I'm being so selfish for wanting to be with my friend on Halloween, sorry for that."
But I'm glad she got mad at me, because it made me realize how important it is to have good friends and even more important for those friends to respect my values and and standards. Lately, I've been feeling like she doesn't. Skip ahead to church today. My thoughts and feelings were re-affirmed and I feel so much better knowing that I have my brothers and sisters in the gospel to turn to. I love having a ward family ever present. I don't know how I would survive college without God!
For my part, I went to an institute dance on Halloween night. I hated Stake dances in High School because no one asked you to dance and no one danced. Institute is way cooler. I met a ton of new people and had a great time. That was on Friday night. On Saturday, the actual Halloween, I tried to get a hold of my non-member friend to go to another party at Bishop's house, but she just got mad at me. "Ok, dearest, I know I'm being so selfish for wanting to be with my friend on Halloween, sorry for that."
But I'm glad she got mad at me, because it made me realize how important it is to have good friends and even more important for those friends to respect my values and and standards. Lately, I've been feeling like she doesn't. Skip ahead to church today. My thoughts and feelings were re-affirmed and I feel so much better knowing that I have my brothers and sisters in the gospel to turn to. I love having a ward family ever present. I don't know how I would survive college without God!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Now that I have discovered the ever elusive power of blogging, I feel it is my duty to post a blog, since that is the primary function. Today I really haven't done much. I have a five page paper due in a few hours, but I have hit a rut in the fourth paragraph, after get out of that, I know it will be fantastic, even if it is on the different ideals of Justice held by Marting Luther King Jr. and Henry David Thoreau. Even if the paper isn't pulitzer worthy, my professor is a flaming awesome hippie with a nose ring and a great sense of humor who will undoubtedly have mercy on my feeble, ever growing mad essay skills. When I'm finished with the paper and class I will finally have time to veg out on my friend's floor while we watch a mind-numbing movie. Ah the delights of college. There is nothing more comforting to think about than the prospect of four years of stressing and debt just to get married during or right after college and be a mom anyway.
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